how can i order items on

How Can I Order Items on

  • Add items to your cart.
  • Click the “Cart” link in the upper-right side of any page. Click “Proceed to Checkout”.
  • Proceed through checkout, clicking “Next” along the way to move to the next step.
  • If you need to switch between Shipping & Pickup options, you can do so by either checking availability for that option from the Cart page or by clicking the “Shipping” or “Pickup” links along the way.
  • Asterisks indicate required fields during checkout – be sure to fill in these required fields so that we have all the information needed to process your order.
  • When you reach the Order Review page, click “Submit Order” to submit your order for processing.
  • Once your order has been submitted, you’ll see an Order Confirmation page with your web order number and order details. An email order confirmation with your final availability, pricing, and order number will be sent to the email address associated with your user ID in the My Account area.